Once you've spent some time surfing the World Wide Web, visiting different people's home pages, you may want to post a page of your own. How do you do this? For starters, you'll need to know a little about HTML or have access to HTML editing software to actually create a home page. The Web is full of free resources on how to do this and you should take advantage of them as much as possible.

Next, you'll need to find an Internet service provider that will give you a place on their web server to post your page. Not all providers have web servers, and the ones that do may charge you "rent" in addition to your monthly service fee for the extra space this may require. Other providers factor this extra cost into their monthly service fee, however the amount of additional disk storage space that is included varies considerably from one provider to another. Most providers who support web publishing will assist you in creating your own page. These are important things to consider when choosing or switching your service provider.

Another thing to keep in mind is the approximate size of your home page -- the number of files it will consist of, the number of graphics -- if any -- it will contain, etc. The more you put on your home page, the larger it will be and the more space it will take up on a server. This may cost you a lot or not much at all depending on the provider. To locate a service provider that offers World Wide Web services, you can start with the Cyberspace Today ISP Directory or go right to their list of ISPs indexed by Internet service..

For more information about HTML you can watch a story about the universal language of the Web or go right to the story called Unraveling the Web for ideas on how to design your own.